Xymon 4.3.Xへのアップデートについて


# cd /usr/local/src
# tar xvzf xymon-4.3.2.tar.gz
# cd xymon-4.3.2
# ./configure
 インストール方法はInstalling Xymonを参照してください。
Build complete.
IMPORTANT: If upgrading from 4.2.x, see the docs/upgrade-to-430.txt
           file for instructions. You must run build/upgrade430.sh
           before installing the new version.
Now run 'make install' as root
1) Make sure you have a backup. It is not necessary to backup
   the data in the hist/, histlogs/, hostdata/ and rrd/ 
   directories (if you use the default directory layout, then
   that means the entire data/ directory need not be backed up).
2) Configure Xymon 4.3.0 using a directory layout that is
   identical to your previous version. Make sure you keep the
   directory names exactly as they were in the version you are
   currently running, even though that may include "hobbit" in
   the directory name.
3) Build Xymon 4.3.0 (run "make")
4) Stop Hobbit (the current version).
5) Using the "bbcmd" utility from your current version, run
   then "./build/upgrade430.sh" script. I.e. run a command
       ~hobbit/server/bin/bbcmd ./build/upgrade430.sh
   This will perform almost all of the file renaming and 
   configuration file updates that are needed when going
   to version 4.3. A few updates cannot be done automatically,
   you will be notified what else is needed after the script
6) Install Xymon 4.3.0 (run "make install").
Your installation should now be upgraded to version 4.3.0.
Run your normal startup-script to launch Xymon, or the
        ~hobbit/server/xymon.sh start
# service xymon stop
# ~hobbit/server/bin/bbcmd ./build/upgrade430.sh
2011-06-18 10:48:17 Using default environment file /home/xymon/server/etc/xymonserver.cfg
mv: `bb' と `xymon' は同じファイルです
ln: creating symbolic link `bb': ファイルが存在します
mv: `bbcmd' と `xymoncmd' は同じファイルです
ln: creating symbolic link `bbcmd': ファイルが存在します
mv: `bbhostgrep' と `xymongrep' は同じファイルです
ln: creating symbolic link `bbhostgrep': ファイルが存在します
mv: `bbhostshow' と `xymoncfg' は同じファイルです
ln: creating symbolic link `bbhostshow': ファイルが存在します

Things you must do

* Run 'make install' now to install Xymon 4.3.0.

* If you have modified web templates files, then these have
NOT been updated with the new default templates. You must
manually install the new templates from the xymond/webfiles
directory, and copy over any changes you have made locally.
All of the template files were updated to include a link
to the new xymon.sourceforge.net website, the DOCTYPE header
was updated from '4.0 Transitional' to '4.0', the Java
menu-code in the footer-files was replaced with &XYMONBODYFOOTER
the menu stylesheet was changed to &XYMONBODYMENUCSS, and a line
with &XYMONBODYHEADER was added just after the BODY tag in all
The following files had further changes from 4.2.3 to 4.3.0:
- event_form
- hostgraphs_form
- notify_form
If you modified these three files, it is probably best to
copy the new standard files from xymond/webfiles/ to your
/home/xymon/server/web/ and re-add your local changes.

* If you have modified the menu-entries in the Xymon menu, then
these changes have not been ported over to the new setup. You
must add these changes to the new /home/xymon/server/etc/xymonmenu.cfg file.

* In your Apache (webserver) configuration, add
FollowSymLinks to the Options line for the
/home/xymon/cgi-bin and /home/xymon/cgi-secure directories.

* Also in your Apache (webserver) configuration, add
Rewrite-rules so the old URL's for CGI-scripts and webpages
still work. See the xymond/etcfiles/xymon-apache.conf example file.
# make install
Installation complete.
You must configure your webserver for the Xymon webpages and CGI-scripts.
A sample Apache configuration is in /home/xymon/server/etc/xymon-apache.conf
If you have your Administration CGI scripts in a separate directory,
then you must also setup the password-file with the htpasswd command.
To start Xymon, as the xymon user run '/home/xymon/server/bin/xymon.sh start'
To view the Xymon webpages, go to http://******.bigbang.dyndns.org/xymon
# service xymon start






 詳細はConfiguring Xymon Monitoringを参照してください。
bb-hosts			→	hosts.cfg
bbcombotest.cfg			→	combo.cfg
hobbit-alerts.cfg		→	alerts.cfg
hobbitcgi.cfg			→	cgioptions.cfg
hobbit-nkview.cfg		→	critical.cfg
hobbit-rrddefinitions.cfg	→	rrddefinitions.cfg
hobbitgraph.cfg			→	graphs.cfg
hobbit-holidays.cfg		→	holidays.cfg
hobbit-clients.cfg		→	analysis.cfg
hobbit-snmpmibs.cfg		→	snmpmibs.cfg
hobbitlaunch.cfg		→	tasks.cfg
hobbitserver.cfg		→	xymonserver.cfg
hobbitclient.cfg		→	xymonclient.cfg
bb-services			→	protocols.cfg




# installdir/server/bin/bb "drop www.abc.co.jp bbd"
# service xymon restart
# service httpd reload